August 2, 2022

Leadership With Rich

Practical leadership handles for you and your teams.

Resources, Leadership, and Ways to Connect

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3 Traits of Leaders You Can Build Upon

Resources, Leadership, and Ways to Connect

You can’t do it alone, luckily, you don’t have to do it. Great leaders know you’re only as strong as your team. Here are three traits I look for when identifying leaders to build upon.

1. They Begin With the End in Mind
Look for leaders whose long-term vision shapes their daily disciplines.

2. They Walk the Walk
Look for leaders who are passionate about the vision, and just as passionate about doing the work.

3. They Adapt to Align
Look for leaders who embrace change.

‘It's not about what you do as much as it is about who you do it with.’ —@richwilkersonjr

Where you’re going requires more than just you. Have you ever tried going it alone? You’ve probably found you won’t go very far. Any great vision requires a great team. 

Ask yourself — how am I building upon the leaders I am entrusting with the vision? Don’t just build UP, build OUT. Create a network of leaders at the same organizational level upon which you can build a healthy foundation.