February 8, 2022

Leadership With Rich

Practical leadership handles for you and your teams.

Resources, Leadership, and Ways to Connect

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4 Tips to Valuing Others

Resources, Leadership, and Ways to Connect

I. See more than yourself.

Being more aware of the world around you allows you to shift the focus from yourself to others.

II. Do more than you want.

Living a selfless life might not always be easy, but it’s worth it.

III. Give more than you have.

You will never grow if you don’t push yourself beyond your limits. Pressure produces power.

IV. Love more than you feel.

True love doesn’t rely on feelings and doesn’t wait to act.

“Your world gets larger when you start thinking outside yourself." — @richwilkersonjr

The key to getting out of your head is shifting your mindset from being self-centered to being “others-centered.” The fastest way to fulfillment is by serving others, even when it seems difficult or inconvenient. What's one way you can serve your team today?