September 27, 2022

Leadership With Rich

Practical leadership handles for you and your teams.

Resources, Leadership, and Ways to Connect

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How to Share the “Why”

Resources, Leadership, and Ways to Connect

1. Remind People of Values
Who we are dictates what we do.

2. Connect the Dots for People
Your team is part of a bigger vision.

3. Tell Stories
History helps fuel commitment.

‘Connect before you correct.’ — @richwilkersonjr

Instead of saying “that’s not what we do” try saying “that’s not who we are.” Your “why” anchors you to the mission and vision of your organization. A strong “why” will get you through the ebbs and flows of your leadership journey. “Why” provides strength for you and your team when you can’t see the “how”, “who”, “what”, “when”, or “where.”

If you’re struggling to define your “why” start with the problem. What solution does your team provide to address a pre-existing problem? Your “why” is how you fill the gap.