SoMi / Online
I Have Enough
It's Time to Grow Up

Crew Leader

Introduction (2 minutes)

Use the Zoom chat feature to keep everyone connected. As people join in, ask for their first and last name, email address, and where they are tuning in from. Save the chat as an attendance record.


Ask Crew members to share their favorite points from the talk. What phrase or moment did they relate to the most?

Icebreaker: Reflection or Conversation Starter or Virtual Icebreaker (5 minutes)

For your icebreaker, choose from the options below. Have Crew members unmute themselves to share.

Conversation Starters (Choose One)
  • What's something you did this week that you feel proud of?
  • What did you eat for breakfast?
  • Name the best book you’ve ever read.
  • What’s your morning routine?
  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
  • If your life was a story, what would the title be?
Virtual Icebreakers (5 minutes)

Preaching Game - Choose random items and allow individuals to find ways to encourage others using that item. (Pick 2-3 volunteers)

Show-and-Tell - Pick an object in your home that has significance for you, something with a funny story behind it, anything unique, or something you've used to simply pass the time.

Crew Discussion

Antes de Desistir

Pastores Rich Wilkerson Jr. e DawnCheré Wilkerson

Continuing the Conversation
VOUSCon 2023: Reflect

VOUSCon was nothing short of a miracle! We're still praising God for all He did. Reflection builds gratitude. Spend the first few minutes of Crew sharing a testimony or reflection from VOUSCon 2023.

Continuing the Conversation
Last Crew's Call to Action

God calls for us to forgive while maintaining boundaries necessary to steward and nurture our souls. This week, lean in to the wisdom of Solomon and study the book of Proverbs to help you develop tools for cultivating Godly relationships while asking God for the courage to forgive. Don’t forget to check out additional resources at


”Alguns fariseus aproximaram-se dele para pô-lo à prova, perguntando: “É permitido ao homem divorciar-se de sua mulher?” “O que Moisés ordenou a vocês?”, perguntou ele. Eles disseram: “Moisés permitiu que o homem lhe desse uma certidão de divórcio e a mandasse embora”. Respondeu Jesus: “Moisés escreveu essa lei por causa da dureza de coração de vocês. Mas no princípio da criação Deus ‘os fez homem e mulher’. ‘Por esta razão, o homem deixará pai e mãe e se unirá à sua mulher, e os dois se tornarão uma só carne’. Assim, eles já não são dois, mas sim uma só carne. Portanto, o que Deus uniu, ninguém o separe”.“

‭‭Marcos‬ ‭10‬:‭2‬-‭9‬ ‭NVI‬‬

Referências: Provérbios 11:14, Salmos 119:105, Provérbios 15:22, Marcos 6:31, Tiago 1:19, Efésios 4:32

Ideia Principal

Não é segredo que os relacionamentos nem sempre seguem conforme planejado. Podemos começar com as melhores intenções e nos encontrarmos longe do caminho à medida que o tempo passa. Não importa se estamos solteiros, namorando, divorciados ou prestes a desistir, há princípios fundamentais que podemos extrair das escrituras e aplicar em nossa jornada de relacionamento atual. Existem passos a serem dados antes de desistir.

Deus transforma nossos momentos mais dolorosos nas mais lindas histórias.

1.  Receba conselhos sábios

As palavras finais de todo relacionamento são 'Vou resolver por conta própria' - esta frase nos limita à nossa própria sabedoria quando Deus colocou conselhos sábios ao nosso redor. Embora a palavra de Deus seja o que devemos buscar primeiro, existem recursos adicionais disponíveis. Mentores, terapeutas cristãos, livros, conferências ou até mesmo retiros com nosso parceiro são ótimos recursos para adicionar conselhos sábios às nossas vidas. Seja qual for a situação que estamos enfrentando, podemos confiar que Deus nos deu o que precisamos para superar.

O que observamos, é o que aprendemos
A palavra de Deus pode nos dar uma nova visão para nosso casamento
Todos temos mentores, quer percebamos ou não

Nunca escolha um mentor com quem você não trocaria de lugar.

Dedique um momento para considerar o que ou quem está influenciando sua vida. Qual é uma fonte de conselho sábio que você gostaria de adicionar à sua vida?

2. Comunicação é tudo

Uma das coisas mais importantes que podemos fazer em nossos relacionamentos é aprender a comunicar. O poder da vida e da morte está na língua—mas não é apenas o que dizemos, é como dizemos. Existem formas corretas e incorretas de compartilhar o que está em nossa mente e em nosso coração. Nossas palavras edificam nosso parceiro? Ou nosso tom os machuca? O que estamos transmitindo com nossas ações? Não importa qual seja nosso status de relacionamento, a maneira como nos comunicamos faz toda a diferença na construção de relacionamentos que resistem ao tempo.

Desacordo saudável requer concordância primeiro
"Como" importa tanto quanto "o quê"
Ouça para entender, não ouça para falar

Todo relacionamento começa e termina na comunicação

Compartilhe um momento em que você mudou a forma como se comunicava. Como isso impactou seu relacionamento?


Um casamento não se trata de resolver um problema, mas sim de duas pessoas se comprometerem a resolver problema após problema juntas. Antes de jogarmos a toalha, vale a pena considerar as consequências de nossa decisão - como uma fileira de dominós, uma escolha impacta centenas que a seguem. Em um mundo que é rápido em desistir, podemos consagrar nosso casamento a Deus, colocando nosso relacionamento em Suas mãos. Ele transforma os momentos mais dolorosos nas histórias mais belas.

Chamada Para A Ação

Não importa em que ponto da jornada de amadurecimento nos relacionamentos você esteja, reserve um tempo nesta semana para orar esta oração. Declare esta verdade sobre si mesmo, seu cônjuge, sua família e seu futuro com confiança, sabendo que Deus está com você.

“Cristo comigo,
Cristo à minha frente,
Cristo atrás de mim,
Cristo em mim,
Cristo abaixo de mim,
Cristo sobre mim,
Cristo à minha direita,
Cristo à minha esquerda,
Cristo quando me deito,
Cristo quando me sento,
Cristo quando me levanto,
Cristo no coração de todo homem que pensa em mim,
Cristo na boca de quem fale de mim,
Cristo em todo olho que me vê,
Cristo em todo ouvido que me ouve.” - São Patrício


Domingos naVOUS


10h / 12h / 18h


10h / 12h

Igreja Online

10h / 17h Espanhol

Growth Track

Após cada serviço ou inscreva-se online em

Para Mais Leituras:

Confira o VOUS Church Blog, onde você encontrará recursos adicionais para ajudá-lo ao longo da jornada.

Crew Leader

Introduction (2 minutes)

Use the Zoom chat feature to keep everyone connected. As people join in, ask for their first and last name, email address, and where they are tuning in from. Save the chat as an attendance record.


Ask Crew members to share their favorite points from the talk. What phrase or moment did they relate to the most?

Icebreaker: Reflection or Conversation Starter or Virtual Icebreaker (5 minutes)

For your icebreaker, choose from the options below. Have Crew members unmute themselves to share.

Conversation Starters (Choose One)
  • What's something you did this week that you feel proud of?
  • What did you eat for breakfast?
  • Name the best book you’ve ever read.
  • What’s your morning routine?
  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
  • If your life was a story, what would the title be?
Virtual Icebreakers (5 minutes)

Preaching Game - Choose random items and allow individuals to find ways to encourage others using that item. (Pick 2-3 volunteers)

Show-and-Tell - Pick an object in your home that has significance for you, something with a funny story behind it, anything unique, or something you've used to simply pass the time.

Crew Discussion

It’s Time to Grow Up

Pastor Manouchka Charles

Continuing the Conversation
VOUSCon 2023: Reflect

VOUSCon was nothing short of a miracle! We're still praising God for all He did. Reflection builds gratitude. Spend the first few minutes of Crew sharing a testimony or reflection from VOUSCon 2023.

Continuing the Conversation
Last Crew's Call to Action

God calls for us to forgive while maintaining boundaries necessary to steward and nurture our souls. This week, lean in to the wisdom of Solomon and study the book of Proverbs to help you develop tools for cultivating Godly relationships while asking God for the courage to forgive. Don’t forget to check out additional resources at


‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭5:12-14‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.”

Hebrews‬ ‭6‬:‭1‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity….” ‭

Additional Scripture References: ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119‬:‭9‬-‭16‬ ‭NIV‬‬ 1 Peter 2:9, 1 Samuel 16:7, 1 Samuel‬ ‭16:13‬ ‭NIV‬, 1 Samuel 16:18, 1 Samuel 17:15, ‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭17:38-40‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Main Idea

Have you ever tried to run a long distance? If you have, you know that it requires real and consistent training to achieve your goal. No matter what your intention, without training, you may find it difficult to arrive at the finish line. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. In the same way, our journey of faith is one of endurance. Training at every stage of our development is important. Time does not dictate maturity, but our training will. You can be old and immature, and young and mature. It’s not about arriving, but simply starting. We can trust that God will give us everything we need at the time that we need it. We’re not delayed, we’re destined!

If you want to win the battles of life you need training.

1. You Are Set Apart

Our becoming comes from our believing. Do you believe that you’re called? That you’re chosen? That you’re cared for by God? Securing our identity in Christ allows us to develop and mature with him. If we don’t know who we are, we will never know who we can be. You’re not like the world, you’re not like everyone else, you’re not missing out.

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. [1 Peter 2:9]

What God has for you is for you
You can’t be like what you are called to lead
It’s not about being more gifted, it’s about being more disciplined

You are not delayed, you’re being developed.

In what area do you find it difficult to believe what God says about you?

2. You Are Growing

You are called and chosen by God. You are anointed but may not yet be appointed. Maturity prepares you to steward what God has called you to. An untrained David could never beat Goliath. He was able to fight appropriately because he had trained for years. Spiritual maturity is the process of becoming more Christ-like in character, attitude and behavior. You can’t go where God’s taking you without maturing along the way. 

7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” [1 Samuel 16:7]

Time will not dictate your maturity, your training will
The mark of maturity is not just hearing the word, but listening to what the Word says
Although you might have not walked in it yet, you are it

If you never train, you will never become

What are you doing today to mature for tomorrow?


Availability unlocks the door of maturity in our lives. King Saul was supposed to fight but David made himself available for growth. His willingness to embrace the season he found himself in and make himself available to be developed allowed him to step up when he was called upon. Are you open to maturity? Are you open to growth? Are you open to change? The world will try to put on fear, insecurity, and failure. Pick up courage, security, and peace. God’s strength is with you as you daily surrender to Him.

Call To Action

Reflect this week on how you are investing your time to mature. Commit to spend time in one of these 5 areas:

  1. Dedicated time to prayer 
  2. Time off of social media
  3. Sabbath/Rest 
  1. Reading the word
  2. Serving others 

Be prepared to share your experience at Crew next time!


Sundays at VOUS

8:45AM / 10:30AM / 12:30PM / 6PM

10:30AM / 12:30PM / 6PM

VOUS Miami Gardens
10:30AM / 12:30PM

VOUS Design District
10:30AM / 12:30PM

Church Online
10AM / 5PM Español

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Growth Track

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Easter at VOUS

Good News: Hope is here! Celebrate Easter in community. With gatherings all weekend, there’s something for everyone.

Friday, March 29 – Good Friday

Saturday, March 30 – Easter Egg Drop

Sunday, March 31 – Easter Sunday

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Help host Easter Egg Drop, one of our largest outreaches of the year!

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VOUSCon 2024

We live in the tension of present hard times and coming good times. In this gap, our faith is formed. The gathering of the saints produces perseverance for you to run your race of faith. VOUSCon is this moment.

June 20-22

Miami, FL

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Serve at VOUSCon

As we create an atmosphere that glorifies God, we create space for Him to move. As servant leaders, we carry the culture. Because we value Con, we invest in it.

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