Comfort in the Silent Night

December 24, 2018
5 min read
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For some, the holidays can be a double-sided coin of hopeful expectation and troublesome disappointment. As the season of cheer draws near, they face an unkind reality. The reality that these days are often accompanied by pain. So, on this Christmas Eve we still want to take a moment to check in – Are you OK?

Not OK?

Whether your cause for sorrow is due to a loss, struggle, or any other reason, we want to comfort you with the truth that you are never alone, even in your most silent of nights. God sent his son in the most fragile of packages, a baby wrapped in cloth, to relate to even the most humbling of experiences. Imagine the savior of the world, in a manger from which cattle would eat. It wasn’t the story that many would have expected of a divine king, but it was the one that we needed. That even in the darkest of moments there’s still light and hope. And with this hope God walks with us today, understanding our troubles and getting us through them.There’s also a community waiting to embrace you. Community will not be a total escape from all the problems we may face, but it’ll help put things into perspective. A loving community will help to reminisce on good memories and build new ones for which to be thankful.

Doing OK?

Be the reason someone experiences calm and has an encounter with Jesus. It’s as simple as sharing the Christmas story with your friends and family—especially how you have found your own hope within it. Reach out to someone who may not have expected to hear from you or someone who has been invisible to society, they’ll delight in you taking the time to touch them with a bit of cheer. The wonder of the Christmas season is that there’s an expectation in the hearts of people. There’s a desire to know the true reason behind the celebration. You have the honor of carrying the message.Hope, peace, joy, and comfort tend to spread when we make known the story of Jesus, our savior. We celebrate constantly because of this truth: He’s already defeated our ultimate foe.Do everything you can to be in community this season. Find your tribe. Attend a church service. Jesus wants to be your light in the darkness and he wants to use people to be conduits of his light. It’s his gift to you.We love you. Merry Christmas!

The VOUS Blog is a space for discovery with resources and reflections, curated by the VOUS community and team, to encourage you on the journey.

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