Day 1: Pray First

August 20, 2018
5 min read
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“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” 1 Chronicles 16:11 ESV

Pray First is a special season for our church. From the beginning, we determined not to lose sight of the fact that we will never win in our own strength. Without the empowerment of the Spirit of God, we don’t stand a chance against the obstacles we face. But if God is for us, nothing will be able to stand against us.

Twice a year, we set aside 21 days to fast and pray as a church. Too often in life prayer is our last resort—once we’ve tried everything else we turn to God. Pray First is designed to remind us that prayer should be our first response. Whether we find ourselves in a good season or a challenging one, prayer should always be a priority in our lives.

We hope that you will consider joining with us over the next three weeks as we seek God in a deeper way. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Fasting is about removing something from your life for a time in order to create more margin for time with God. Whatever you choose to give up and however long you decide to do it for, we believe that as you focus on Jesus you will see him more clearly.

We don’t fast to impress God; we fast to pursue him. He wants to speak to you. Will you take the time to listen?

Rich & DC

The VOUS Blog is a space for discovery with resources and reflections, curated by the VOUS community and team, to encourage you on the journey.

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