Day 4: Creativity & Diversity Within The Church

August 23, 2018
5 min read
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"In this way we are like the various parts of a human body. Each part gets its meaning from the body as a whole, not the other way around. The body we're talking about is Christ's body of chosen people. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body. But as a chopped-off finger or cut-off toe we wouldn't amount to much, would we? So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ's body, let's just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren't." Romans 12:4-6a MSG

It’s important to celebrate what makes us diverse. An easy way to appreciate variety is to imagine a world of uniformity. Have you ever thought of a choir comprised only of sopranos? Or how about a body made entirely of eyeballs? It’s a little disconcerting to imagine, actually. Yet this is often what we entertain when we allow ourselves to become discontent with the details of who God has designed us to be.

I love how Paul puts it so clearly, “let's just go ahead and be what we were made to be…” I don’t know about you, but I’m finding freedom in knowing that I don’t have to try to be someone I’m not. In fact it’s pretty empowering to know that I am needed in the exact form and function that I find myself in. With all the details that make me, me.

But is it really about me?

When I think about it, I come to realize that only celebrating what makes us diverse isn’t really the full picture. The reality is that while it’s important to appreciate and accept what makes us unique, something special happens when we learn to use our gifts together. This often takes humility to surrender your own will and desires and let God use you as one small piece in a much bigger purpose.

Today I’m praying for the "capital C" Church, to be aware of and appreciate and encourage rich diversity in our communities— and I’m also praying for humility and a spirit of collaboration to be stirred up in our hearts. We’re strong alone, but unstoppable together.

Sam Gualtieri

The VOUS Blog is a space for discovery with resources and reflections, curated by the VOUS community and team, to encourage you on the journey.

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