The Danger Behind the "I am enough" Statement

July 13, 2022
5 min read
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Believing the “I am enough” statement can make us mistakenly put our trust in ourselves rather than in God.

I am in a season of my life where I have a lot going on. Between my job, planning my wedding and moving to another country, I feel like I barely have time to breathe, let alone spend time with God. 

I begin my days rushing, always on the run and ready for the next task at hand. I kept living like that until a few days ago, when I couldn’t take it anymore.

I felt this pressure inside my chest, so I got to my knees and I whispered in the middle of tears “God, I can’t do this on my own.” And I felt the sweet and warm embrace of the Holy Spirit as I could hear another whisper in my heart that said “My sweet girl, you were never meant to do it on your own.”

Sometimes, I make the mistake of forgetting that I need God for everything. I start to trust more in my own capabilities and I start to think that I am enough, when actually I am not.

What’s the dilemma in the “I am enough” statement?

I have to admit that sometimes I struggle with my own insecurities about not being good enough: for a job, for people, or even for myself. And I have to constantly go to God to remind myself that I am enough for Him, no matter what I do or don’t do.

It’s funny how sometimes I don’t feel good enough when it comes to getting approval and acceptance. But other times I feel good enough to do things by myself and not to include God or ask for His help and guidance.

Paul talks about this in his letters to the Philippians saying, “We who worship God through his Spirit. We don’t trust in ourselves or anything we can do. We take pride only in Christ Jesus. 4 Even if I am able to trust in myself.” - Phil 3:3-4 (ERV)

It made me think how sometimes the “I am enough” statement that society strongly encourages us to believe in can also backfire and make us feel self sufficient and forget about God.

We can’t do anything without God

Like the Bible verse in Philippians says, we shouldn’t trust in ourselves or in anything we can do, even if we are able to. Even if we are very talented, smart or successful. We should take pride only in Jesus and never forget that we can’t do anything without Him.

John 15:5 puts it this way: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” 

We can’t do anything apart from God, He is the vine, the source of all good things. And if we want to bear fruit in our lives, we must remain in Him.

After I took some time that day to connect with God and talk to Him, something changed. I randomly got a phone call that same day from different friends who wanted to check up on me, a few things that I was worrying about were easily solved and I felt this oddly welcoming peace in my heart. 

It was like God was winking at me saying “I got you”. And I was reminded how much I need Him every day for everything I do. 

If you are like me, and sometimes get carried away by the busyness of life, I want to encourage you to be intentional in taking a moment every day to pause, connect with God and invite Him to guide you and take control over your life. I promise you, it’s going to make everything a whole lot better.

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