Our World, Ours Leaders, Our Responsibility

January 23, 2019
5 min read
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Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.Jeremiah 29:7

As Christians, we have a unique opportunity to pray for the world and those God has placed in leadership. Wherever we are. Whatever our affiliations. Whoever we agree with. We are called to be people of prayer. People who pray for prosperity in our world and the wisdom of those God has placed over us.As we enter the last few days of our 21-day fast, #PrayFirst, we’re believing for "Our Nation & Leaders, Our World & The Global Church, Local Churches & Pastors, Cultural & Social Influence, Salvations & Life Change." Fasting is a refocus, this time is not just about our personal requests but it pushes us to look beyond ourselves to the needs of others.We pray for what we care for. Instead of complaining about current events, let's be a people who pray for the world and influencers of it. When we do, that’s when God opens us up to the dreams and his vision to make this world a better place. Don’t doubt for a second that you can’t make a difference. Don‘t let major problems stop you from starting at all, stop you from taking action in prayer. Don’t just spectate, participate. We recently celebrated the great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. To think that our progress today started with a dream inspires me for tomorrow. The state of our nation and our world shifts when men and women of faith stand together in prayer and in action.It may seem like a big task to pray for the whole world but start with the leaders closet to you. Your team leader, your pastor, your boss. Our hearts begin to open up when we pray for the people around us. And while it's important to be hopeful in prayer, it’s just as important to be systematic. Set a reminder on your phone to pray. In your prayer time always be thinking about "Who can I be praying for?" Here's a challenge, for every bit of news that might cause a complaint or fear, pray about it. When good things are happening, let's thank God for it. We can take pivotal moments to strategically pray for the world and people of authority around us. If it prospers, we will prosper. As we believe and pray for a healthy world, we will see how our own lives become healthy. It's our responsibility. It starts with us.

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